Keyword | Outline | The date | Execution country |
3D-static FEM analysis |
Deformation analysis to expressway elevated bridge which is located directly above by tunnel excavation with NATM method. | 2015 | Japan |
3D-static FEM analysis |
Study of bearing capacity of countermeasure for preventing liquefaction which insert geo-grid vertically in soft ground. | 2015 | Japan |
3D-static FEM analysis |
Study of effective arrangement such as wall shape of stabilized body for preventing ground deformation. | 2015 | Japan |
2D-dynamic FEM analysis |
Seismic assessment for the entrance of tunnel which has small overburden. | 2015 | Japan |
3D-dynamic effective stress analysis |
3D-dynamic effective stress analysis of river embankment on stabilized ground. | 2014 | Japan |
3D-static FEM analysis |
Study of deep underground tunnel construction technology intended for mudstone. | 2014 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Evaluation of effect on adjacent to railway by large scale excavation with bracing. | 2014 | Japan |
2D-dynamic FEM analysis |
The cause investigation of damaged main burial gas pipeline connected at abutment in the event of an earthquake. | 2014 | Japan |
Technical adviser | Technical advice for the countermeasure to prevent lateral movement of the abutment which has already moved due to backside embankment on soft ground | 2014 | Cambodia |
2D-static FEM |
Deformation analysis by deep shaft excavation in ground which involves weak layer in the middle on adjacent to railway. | 2014 | Japan |
3D-static FEM analysis |
Estimate the effect on the pile foundation of monorail pier by excavate for large-scale cast-in-place piles construction in soft ground. | 2014 | Japan |
3D-static FEM analysis |
Technical support for manual preparation of countermeasure for soft ground which was a combination of deep mixing method and earth reinforcement. | 2013 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Estimate the deformation of main gas pipe line by lateral flow due to liquefaction. | 2013 | Japan |
Research and development | Support the research and development for preventing ground deformation method in the case of liquefaction by using geo-grid which insert in the soft ground vertically. | 2013 | Japan |
Consolidation analysis Execution scheme |
Estimate soft ground settlement and earthmoving planning on adjacent to railway. | 2013 | Vietnam |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Evaluation of effect on adjacent to railway by large scale excavation with bracing. | 2013 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Estimate the ground deformation on adjacent to railway by deep shaft excavation on loam ground. | 2012 | Japan |
Consolidation analysis | The design of the soft ground settlement and selection of the countermeasure for embankment and land development of rail yard construction. | 2012 | Vietnam |
VE proposal 2D-static FEM analysis |
Estimate the foundation deformation of electricity pylon by three shield tunnels excavation which located directly beneath the pylon. | 2012 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Deformation analysis by demolishing the retaining wall on adjacent to railway. | 2012 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Estimate the deformation of railway pier by large diameter shield tunnel excavation which located directly beneath the pier. | 2012 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Study of applicable scope of soundproof wall foundation which built in artificial ground made by FCB method. | 2011 | Japan |
Detail design | Planning and review of exploration of ground, detail design of cut and embankment and land development of rail yard. | 2010 | Indonesia |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Estimate the ground deformation on adjacent to railway by excavation on soft ground and proposal of countermeasure. | 2010 | Japan |
Consolidation analysis | Estimate the soft ground settlement and design of the counter measure of lightweight embankment in the renovation work of the drainage pump station. | 2009 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Estimate the effect on the railway tunnel by building the retaining wall and constructing embankment located directly over its tunnel. | 2008 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis |
Estimate the affection of deep excavation adjacent to subway. | 2007 | Japan |
Georesearch | Integrated georesearch management for highway construction project. | 2007 | Algeria |
Detail design of soil improvement 2D-static FEM analysis |
Evaluating the ground displacement by excavation work for construction of pre-cast yard with using FEM analysis. | 2007 | Vietnam |
2D-static FEM analysis 3D-static FEM analysis |
Detailed investigation including FEM analysis to predict the behavior of the tunnel on express railway which will be constructed using NATM, and fore piling with shallow soil layer. | 2006 | Japan |
2D-static FEM analysis Technological transfer |
Design of countermeasure by using soil improvement, where was located on adjacent to the existing railway line and the technical transfer to Vietnamese engineers | 2006 | Vietnam |
3D-static FEM analysis |
Research on the countermeasure to improve lateral ground reaction for pile foundation by using DMM | 2006 | Japan |