In the construction work of earth structure, the troubles occurred sometime as follows,
1) Slope failure by embankment
2) Long-term settlement
3) Failure of earth retaining
4) Incline and/or deformation of substructure and retaining wall
5) Liquefaction due to earthquake
6) Adjacent ground deformation and etc.
We are applying numerical analysis on these practical problems. We will continue to approach to a more secure and economical design. Because we know the site very well, we can offer the optimal design.
Construction of tunnels in
deep subterranean
The tunnels, deep shaft and connection tunnels were constructed deep underground. These tunnels were located complex arrangement. 3D-FEM analysis, which was reproduce the construction process faithfully, was carried out for predict ground deformation due to tunnel excavation.
Connecting situation of tunnels
Tunnel excavation in deep underground
Ground deformation due to excavation
Deformation due to embankment on soft ground
It was concerned about adverse effect on adjacent structure by ground deformation due to embankment on soft ground. 3D-FEM was carried out to determine the arrangement of stabilized bodies to prevent ground deformation efficiently. The result was reflected in the practical design.
Embankment on the soft ground
Some arrangement of stabilized body
Ground deformation due to embankment
Ground liquefaction by Earthquake
Liquefaction might cause a serious damage to the embankment, pier and abutment, retaining wall, architectural building and etc. 3D-FEM simulation of liquefaction could use for prediction of its damage and selection of optimum countermeasure.
Building on soft ground to be liquefaction
Ground deformation of liquefaction layer
Some examples of earth structure
In order to construct embankments, tunnels and etc. safely, appropriate countermeasure might be required as necessary. We can support the design of structures such as a box culvert, bridge abutment and etc. from the geotechnical point of view.
Construction of an embankment
NATM tunnel site (first lining situation)
Construction work of express way
Construction management
In order to reduce the cost of construction projects, the design phase check will be most efficient. Check the design of course,
we will support the client technically from soil investigation to construction stage or all construction process as an in-house engineer.
The space between abutment and earth reinforcement was filled by lightweight soil
This is part of being in Algeria site
Support for value engineering
We will pursue the economic design while ensuring safety and reliability of construction method.
Since we are familiar with the construction work, we can offer the flexible and realistic proposal for value engineering. We will contribute as a few pearls of wisdom of construction company.
Procuring of site of entrance of box culvert by using reinforce soil wall
Shortening of construction period by using precast arch culvert